Tuesday, 19 May 2015

'April showers bring May flowers'. Old English Proverb.

This year the April showers have waited for May to arrive.

Some of the May flowers in Our Garden@19.

We hope they will still be flowering at the end of the month.

The Lilac, in the South facing front garden, was here when we bought the house, it is a darker colour in real life than in the picture.

The narrow border along the drive is planted with Iris and Catmint...

...two unknown Iris...

...this one might be 'Alcazar.'

Any ID help would be appreciated.

This raised bed edging the patio is planted with Siberian Wallflowers and Allium 'Purple Sensation'...

...which could be described as either a 'Bold' or 'Brave' colour combination!

Calming things down and covering a large area in the Green and White garden is the
 Clematis montana 'Wilsonii'...

draping over the Berberis thunbergii 'Aurea'.

Weigelia 'Victoria' with dark coloured leaves, always flowers profusely, with Euphorbia  palustris providing a zingy yellow...

...to complement the A. 'Purple Sensation'.

In the shrubbery, Rhododendron Yak flava is in full flower.

Ending in the Oriental Garden, Azalea 'Panda'...

...is brightening things up during the (April) showers.

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  1. Wow! The Allium/Erysimum combo is incredible! Both bold and brave in my book. Of course many more gorgeous blooms Brian. Still all very slow here.

    1. Thank you Angie, yours will probably still be flowering when ours have finished.

  2. Those Siberian wallflowers are amazing Brian! And the white Azalea is lovely too. Hope you get a week of calmer weather to finish preparations for the big day!

  3. Bold, brave and inspired colour combination.

  4. April and May are back to front this year Brian. In fact May has seemed more like March at times. Beautiful irises whatever their names.

    1. I think you are right about the weather Anna.I do like the colour and patterns on the Iris ( Alcazar?)


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