A quick tour before open day to see what is catching the eye:
The self seeded Foxglove has just opened in front of the Siberian wallflower and Allium 'Purple Sensation'...
...along with the Anchusa azurea...
...cooling things down on the patio is the Polygonatum x Hybridum Striatum...
...along side the Iris pseudacorus 'Variegata'...
...and a delicately marked water Iris ( may be 'ensata' Japanese Iris)...
...the white Wisteria creating a welcome entrance to the restyled Oriental Garden...
...now with the Trinity Stones repositioned and a gravel river running from the water spout to a whirlpool...
...in the White and Green garden...
...Allium 'Mount Everest'...
...the white Hesperis matronalis...
...and the white Aquilegia are obeying the rules.
By the arch the Viburum opulus (guilder rose)...
...with the Clematis 'Nelly Moser' peeping out from underneath.
Through the arch purple Hesperis matronalis...
...an unusual 'nature' created Aquilegia...
...and a cheeky Welsh Poppy, Meconopsis cambrica seeded amongst the Lysimachia ciliate 'Firecracker'
In the 'Woodland Walk' Geranium sylvaticum 'Album' is lighting up this shady area...
...along with Iris 'Holden Clough'...
...and Clematis mont. 'Broughton Star'.
The Box has had its summer trim...
...and so have I.
It took a lot longer to trim the Box!
Scones and cakes are being baked, cream & jam is ordered, plenty of tea & coffee in stock.
All we need now is good weather.
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