Monday, 7 November 2016

Adding Autumn colour.

The autumn colour has been spectacular this year, I think due to the beautiful sunny, dry weather along with no wind or frost to bring the leaves down.

The photo below, of the garden, is taken from the landing window, in early October...

...walking through the garden, the arch into the Blue Garden is covered with the Vine 'Spetchly Red', living up to its name...

...the dahlias are still providing splashes of colour...

...behind the banana bench the green man peers out from among the Boston Ivy, Parthenocissus Tri. Veitch.

In the centre of the right hand bed is the snake bark maple...

...Acer Tegmentosum, which appears to have new buds forming where the leaves are falling off.

Two "ordinary" plants adding to the colour are the Rhus hirta syn. R.typhina, growing in a pot because of its suckering habit...

...and Cotoneaster horizontalis.

In the Oriental Garden...

The sunlight is casting shadows on the Ginkgo biloba...

...and the Acer  cappadocicum 'Aureunm'.

Just starting to change colour is the Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum'....

...and A. palmatum 'Senkaki'.

A. palmatum Dissectum had still maintained its green leaves, these have now fallen.

We have lost a couple of dark leafed Acers over recent years, this prompted a shopping trip to an excellent Acer nursery, Howle Hill, Nr Ross-on-Wye

We came away with a Cotinus Royal Purple...

...Acer palmatum 'Shaina'...

and Acer palmatum 'Jerre Schwartz'.

These two were recommended by the very helpful Andy, to meet our requirements of autumn colour along with being happy growing in a pot.
We seem to have more success with Acers when they are in pots.
What has provided your autumn colour?
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  1. I don't think you can beat acers for autumn colour!

  2. Lots of different colours in your garden Brian and plenty of different textures too to add some depth.

  3. It has indeed been a fabulous autumn Brian. I've read that the wet spring also played a part as well as the recent dry and mild weather. Your vine is a fabulous colour. Thanks for the mention of the acer nursery. We have one in a pot at the caravan and I would like to find a companion to keep it company :)

    1. It is a wonderful nursery, it just takes some finding in the depths of Hereforfshire lanes.

  4. Acers have definitely had a good year. I love your snake bark maple.

  5. Japanese maples really shine in the fall. Looks like you have some nice ones. I drove past some ancient ones today that must be at least 100 years old, huge and stately, glowing in deep red.

    1. It must be wonderful to have those ancient trees nearby.

  6. A lovely post Brian. So much leaf colour in your garden, and flowers and berries too. :)

  7. You have some lovely autumn colour, Brian - and being able to see the view looking down your garden towards the banana bench every day must give you a lot of pleasure

    1. Thank you Cathy, it is lovely to sit on the patio with a drink looking towards the bench.

  8. Your garden is looking beautiful in its autumn colours. It is so difficult to keep a garden looking good in all the seasons. I concentrate on the summer but your autumn colours let me see what can be achieved in the autumn. Amelia

    1. Thank you Amelia, I always try to have something of interest all year round.

  9. Really gorgeous in every direction. Love the entry to the Blue Garden.

  10. I missed this when you posted it. Your autumn garden is stunning, so much colour.


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