There has not been much change during the last two months, in the Acer negundo Flamingo I have been following this year.
If you haven't visited before, here it is growing in the Oriental Garden.
I pollard it every January
Here to prevent it becoming too big while encouraging the slate blue branches and fine pink stems that you can see in the pictures, to develop.
Unfortunately the white variegated edges of the leaves have been scorched by either the sun or more likely the wind.
I thought this was a good time to introduce you to the never ending woodland path here at Our Garden19. Walking through the main borders towards the Banana Bench... come to the start of the path, here you have a choice to make, left or right?
I seem to nearly always turn to the left, I don't know why, passing the Boston Ivy (Parthenocissus tripcuspidata) on the trellis just turning red and the apple 'Kid's Orange Red' on your left.
Boston Ivy |
It is, I think, a lovely eating apple.
Following the path round behind the bench... pass Rose glauca.syn. Rose rubrifolia...
...and Sorbus Eastern Promise, both growing through Aucuba, Dogwoods, and a variegated Holly backed by a Sambucus nigra.
A little further round you have Ligularia przewalskii, on the right, behind the Banana Bench trellis, this produces lovely spires of yellow flowers. Hiding in the corner of this picture is an apple tree Worcester Pearmain, we had to have one of those.
The first tree on the left is Liquidamber slyraciflua 'Stella'...
...whose leaves are just starting to turn a 'buttery' yellow, soon to turn red...
...a little further along the never ending path is what I refer to as our 'Champion Tree', the Prunus serrula...
...with its wonderful coppery peeling bark.
And here we emerge, back where we started in front of the Banana Bench where you can sit and rest looking out over the garden before you start again following the never ending woodland walk.
On your way back to the house if you look over the fence you can see the neighbours' Liquidamber in all its Autumn fiery glory...
...every year it turns earlier than the one in our garden, which means we can enjoy theirs before ours puts on a show.
The last picture is a close up of a Boston Ivy leaf.
If you wish to see which trees other bloggers are following please visit Lucy at Loose and leafy
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