Saturday, 11 April 2015

Tree following April.

The buds on the Acer negundo Flamingo that I have chosen for the tree following meme has just started to open revealing the white edge with a hint of pink...

tantalising glimpse of Flamingo!

The answer to last months ' Guess the Bark' photo.. is the bark of a Yew tree in NT Croome Park.

Tree bark is, I think, a fascinating subject to photograph.
This photo is of a tree you would expect to see growing in a Capability Brown Landscape...


If you think you know please leave your answer in the comment box.

To visit other blogs Tree following click on the link to Lucy Corrander's Blog Loose & Leafy


  1. "Flamingo" looks exciting... umm tantalising! Will look forward to pictures as it opens... I wish I could make an intelligent guess at the bark; failing that, I will make an unintelligent one and simply say "oak" as it reminds me of the Q. ruber trees I used to live around.

    1. Tantalising is a good description of the leaves at the moment.

  2. I was going to guess Oak too - I think they were popular with him.
    Your Acer is coming along Brian - most things are quite slow this year don't you think?

    1. The general consensus seems to be about two weeks later this year.

  3. Oh the promise of beauty to come Brian. All I can say is that I know I've seen that bark before. I'm hopeless when it comes to tree identification especially when I can't see any leaves :)

    1. It is very difficult to ID a tree just by its bark, that's why I gave the Capability Brown clue.

  4. I like the look of that acer and look forward to seeing the leaves unfurled. I'd guess the bark is some kind of fir tree... a bit vague, but I'm no good at bark!

  5. Nice buds! Isn't it always so overwhelming to see a plant's first buds? I agree with you about bark. I love looking at it and touching it!


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