Thursday, 30 April 2015

End of Month View (April)

With the garden due to open for the NGS at the end of May this will be the last End of Month View before then. There are several projects still to finish, we are not panicking yet!
I hope you enjoy the view.

The herb garden is situated in a raised bed with a standard gooseberry in the middle and a red currant trained as an espalier on the side fence with Box (Buxus) edging the front.

Just off the Patio is what used to be called the spring bed.  I have enlarged it as much as possible and this is the new 'Hot Bed', home for Dahlias, Cannas and tender annuals. (It doesn't look big enough in the photo!)

The White and Green garden is a formal garden, with Box hedging, spirals and at the back centre, a standard Ilex aquifolium 'Argentea Margenata'. The Lunaria var. variegate is now in full bloom.

The Oriental Garden is undergoing a few changes to its design and this view is towards the gate which leads back on to the patio. You can see more of this garden in my post:He-who-creates-garden-creates-happiness.

Looking through the Rose and Vine covered arch towards the banana bench...

...with zingy coloured Euphorbia 'palustris' ...

...brightening up both sides of the path, waiting for the Allium 'Purple Sensation' to join them.
The grass at the front is the New Zealand sedge, Chionochloa rubra.

The Three Graces reflecting on life at the end of the shrubbery walk.

Blue Bells behind the Prunus serrula, with its beautiful bark, along the never ending woodland walk...

...passing by some Primroses and Viola (Violet) labradorica 'Purpurea'.

The greenhouses are full of tender plants to be sold on the plant stall during the open weekend, these on the left are Dahlia coccinea var. 'Palmeri'. The seed original came from The Garden House, Devon.


On the right side is Cosmos 'Rubenza' and Tagetes 'Cinnabar', this is the waist high strain developed by Christopher Lloyd at Great Dixter. We hope these will sell well, for the NGS, along with the perennials that have been propagated.

The other greenhouse contains the Dahlias waiting to go out into the new Hot Bed.

Back on the patio under a north facing wall,  plants such as Hostas and Ferns are bursting into growth...

...with the charming little flowers of Epimedium x 'Rubrum' providing some colour.

We will be ready!

You might also like to see:  Murphys-mad-march-garden-tour.

To see more garden End of Month Views please visit Helen at The Patient Gardener

Please click on any photo to create a slide show.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

"He who creates a garden creates happiness" Chinese proverb.

We, especially Irene, have always had an interest in Oriental Gardens, and are members of The Japanese Garden Society.

Within Our Garden@19 we have a small Oriental Garden, enclosed with a split bamboo fence, the aim is to create an area of calm serenity, following traditional guide lines for creating an Oriental Garden.

There are two entrances to the garden, this is from the patio...

Cherry tree entrance in spring.

To the side there is a raised bed containing a mini Buddha, a cloud pruned conifer and some dwarf Iris Campbellii...

...along with blue pots of Iris and Hostas.

The second entrance is through a Wisteria floibunda 'Alba' covered arch.

This view, from inside, looking towards the bamboo water spout...

...with flowering Camellia and Magnolia stellata.

The other side of the path is the Acer Grove!...ending with the Corylus avellana 'Contorta'.

Young buds opening of the Acer negundo Flamingo (see tree following)...


and Acer palmatum 'Pixie'...

The young leaves of  A. palmatum 'Senkaki', the coral bark maple.

In complete contrast the acid green leaves of A. shirasawanum 'Aureum'.

Chaenomeles japonica is a colourful contrast to the black bamboo.

Phyllostachys Spectablis is living up to its name.

A snow-capped Buddha..

and lantern, traditionally placed to warn of water...

The bamboo water spout with two metal Cranes, symbols of good fortune.

The Oriental shelter in spring 2010

Iris ensata 'Innocence', one of the few flowers favoured in Japanese Gardens.

Development is on going to this garden. Watch this space!

Please click on any photo to create a slide show.

To view some photos of Japanese gardens: Korakuen at Hanami Time visit:
 My Aberdeen Garden here

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, April 2015

The promise of blooms to come...

and to come..

and arrived.

Magnolia x soulangean
Tulips always play a part in our spring garden, usually gown in pots.


In the oriental garden the two young Camellias are in full bloom, the pink one is lost label and the red one, a gift, is 'Ruby Wedding'. The Magnolia 'stellata'... the star of the show...

...the Chaenomeles japonica is a colourful contrast to the black bamboo.

The Pulsatilla vulgaris and Aubrieta 'Bressingham Red' are brightening up the Alpine Boxes...

...along with Phlox 'Red Admiral'.

A late daffodil in the White and Green garden.

Blossom of the Ribes sanguineum, some people do not like the scent...

...then you should smell this!

Fritillaria 'William Rex'

Could you 'Honest(l)y' have a more attractive flower at this time of year...

...than  Lunaria annua 'Rosemary Verey' with its lovely purple leaves.

A Brassen Hussey among the primroses.
Ranunculus 'Brassen Hussey'
A Christopher Lloyd discovery.

A Hoverfly enjoying the spring sunshine on the Brunnera macrophylla.

We recently visited the Cotswold & District Alpine show and I couldn't resist...

Trillium chloropetalum

Could you?   

To visit more Garden Bloggers Bloom Day click on the link Here

Click on any photo to create a 'Blooming' slide show.