Monday, 30 March 2015

Murphy's 'Mad March Garden Tour'.

Murphy, ( Our Nigel, see 'The Team' above) is the ideal March garden guide, whilst past middle age he still has his 'Mad March Moments'. 

Do I have too?

Some of the flowers and foliage in Our Garden@19 during March.

Hyacinth 'Delft Blue'

Hyacinth Carnegie.

From Great Aunt's garden.

Crocus tommasinianus.

Leucojum aestivum.

Lost label Camellia I originally bought for my Mothers garden.

Chaenomeles japonica in the Oriental garden.

Kerria japonica 'Pleniflora'.

Euphorbia 'Glacier Blue'

A young Euphorbia characias 'Wulfenii' flower.

Euphorbia 'Black Bird'.

Chionodoxa luciliae taking an early bath.

Aubrieta Bressingham Red in the Alpine Boxes.

A dark leaved Hellebore. Colourful foliage is an added attraction early in the season.

Young foliage of Ligularia Dentat. ( Slug Caviar ).

Lunaria annua 'Rosemary Verey.'

The white flowering L. annua var. variegate in the White and Green garden.

Young Peony foliage.

Young buds of Corylus avellana 'Contorta'.

Can I have my breakfast now?


  1. A wonderful tour - give my thanks to Murphy :) Love the Lunaria foliage!

  2. Thanks, I will.I am pleased with the photo, just have to keep the slugs off it!

  3. To read more end of the month garden reviews visit Helen at:

  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one with lost labels! I am looking forward to seeing the honesty, I haven't heard of that variety

    1. The Rosemary Verey one came from Hoo House nursery, Helen. The seed for the white one from Chiltern seeds.

  5. Lovely buds and blooms!
    Sweet dog!
    Happy Gardening!

  6. Some very nice foliage, especially the variegated Lunaria. I like the dark Hellebore leaves too.

    1. The variegated Lunaria always attracts attention when we have visitors.

  7. Thanks for the tour Brian! There are some lovely things in bloom. As with others, I am am drawn to the variegated Lunaria - and the euphorbias. When are you opening for the NGS ? We are opening mid June .

    1. We are open on the 30th and 31st May, as part of the Hanley Swan Group.

  8. Murphy looks quite adorable Brian. Interesting to see how your lunaria 'Rosemary Verey' has developed. My 'Chedworth' foliage has turned mainly purple now but there are still a few spotty leaves.

    1. He has his moments!! All the honesty has just taken off in growth this last week, it will be interesting to see them all in flower.


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