Saturday, 28 February 2015

Signs of Spring.

A stroll through Our Garden@19 looking for signs of spring.

Galanthus nivalis

Galanthus nivalis 'Flore Pleno'

Galanthus 'S Arnott' ?

Iris 'Katherine Hodgkin'


Helleborus orientalis with Eranthis hyemalis in the background.

Helleborus foetidus

Viburnum f. 'Candidissimum' still flowering.

Also Lonicera fragrantissima.
I hope you have enjoyed a stroll through Our Garden@19 looking for signs of spring.

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  1. They keep us going don't they, even if the weather doesn't feel particularly springlike. Blowing a gale down here this evening.

    1. It is starting to arrive here now. March in like a Lion, Out like a Lamb, we hope.

  2. Lovely signs of spring in your garden Brian. March is definitely coming in like a lion here. So glad that I spent some time out in the garden this morning before the rain descended.

    1. You do have to take advantage of any good weather to spend time in the garden this time of year.

  3. Spring is coming forth from all directions now Brian - I love those pretty Violas, they are ever so cheery aren't they?

    1. They are one of my must have plants, Angie.

  4. Lovely winter flowers. They have to be the most precious of the year. I had forgotten about the lion/lamb saying. It's blowing such a gale here, I just saw a chicken walking sideways!

    1. We went for a walk around the village today and was blown in all directions, the image of a chicken walking sideways made me smile!

  5. Hello Brian, I love that pale Iris and hadn't realised how many shades are available until this year... blogging is opening up my plant world! Your red Hellebore looks exactly like mine. I like it best when it has opened completely and started to fade. I don't suppose you know the name of it?

    1. Hello Cathy,the Hellebore is just the ordinary orientalis selected in flower several years ago from a local nursery.


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