Monday, 19 September 2016

The Black Dragon.

Colocasia, The Black Dragon, has flowered.

One flower waiting to greet us when we arrived home from our week visiting Ireland was this little beauty.
The Colocasia is a new plant to Our Garden@19 this year, it was purchased during a holiday in Wales.

Are there Celtic forces at work here!

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

The White & Green Garden.

The White & Green Garden has been one of the success stories throughout the year at 
Our Garden@19.

These photos are a view in early September.

Rosa Iceberg has re-flowered following its dead heading... is one of the most reliable of roses.

Growing below is the Phlox paniculata 'White Admiral'...

...along with Anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert'.

One of my favourites is the swan necked lysimachia clethroides, with its graceful flower.

Providing colour and cover in the understory is the ever dependable Viola cornuta Alba.

What has provided you with the most satisfaction in your garden this year?

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